August 8, 2018

Not Easy Subjects to discuss, but you need to know...

A Major Disruption for Sex Buyers in the Online Marketplace Ignites Opposition


Recently, we heard some encouraging remarks shared form the Senate floor by U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), who successfully led bi-partisan efforts to combat sex trafficking by helping to pass a law (FOSTA/SESTA) making it illegal for websites to post ads selling women and children for sex. 

His remarks included:

  • Since the enactment of SESTA and the government’s seizure of’—a website that was doing most of the commercial sex trafficking prior to our legislation—‘there has been a major disruption in the online marketplace. 
  • 'The robust marketplace for sex trafficking, including the sale of children for rape and sexual abuse that took a decade to build, fragmented over the course of just a few days.’ 
  • ‘Many sites or portions of sites where NCMEC knew children previously had been sold for sex have voluntarily shut down.’ Their bottom line. And I quote, ‘This means it is much harder to purchase a child online.’ That’s great news. 

While the enactment of the laws a major victory for survivors of sex trafficking and historic in nature, folks who fought against this legislation (The Electronic Frontier Association and others) and are now challenging the constitutionality of this federal law. No surprise here. Most of the legislation that EIE has helped to get passed since 1994 has been challenged by these same groups.

Victims of sex trafficking finally have a chance to seek the justice they deserve and the tools prosecutors need to bring forward their cases. Why would an entity challenge a law that protects human beings from being sexually exploited and victimized repeatedly so others may financially profit?

Easy Answer. The folks they represent, big tech companies as well as the "sex workers" have placed their interest over the interest of vulnerable children and women which is why they vehemently fought against the passage of the law in the first place.

I can promise you, with your generous financial support, we will continue to fight to protect the dignity of women and children as long as it takes. Stay tuned for more on this topic in the coming weeks and months as we follow it closely. 

Did You Know.....Child on Child Sex Abuse is on the Rise?

Enough Is Enough® included this disturbing trend in the Internet Safety 101® DVD series over 10 years ago. I shared the story that I had heard from a young mother after she discovered her 5 year old son attempted to insert a bath toy into his 2 year old sister's private area while they were taking a bath. The mother was stunned and asked the boy to stop. Her little boy naively said he was doing something he had seen on the Internet.

For every adult-on-child sexual assault, there were seven such assaults by students, according to an Associated Press (AP) analysis of federal crime data.

While there are many reasons children might engage in such behavior to begin with (including having a personal history of sex abuse), kids access and exposure to online pornography is at an all-time high, and this exposure can alter their perceptions and blur young minds regarding acceptable and appropriate sexual behaviors.

The impact of Internet pornography on adolescents, including compulsive, addictive, and even criminal behavior, is a global trend not isolated to any particular culture or region.” It has become one of the greatest global threats to children, marriages, families, and nations. No one is immune.

This issue, while daunting and heavy by its own nature, is one we must discuss and address. The conversations about pornography consumption must start at home and parents need to put preventative measures in place to protect their children while on the Internet. Of course, that is just the beginning.

Enough Is Enough® has an entire section on its Internet Safety 101® section about pornography and the harms of pornography. Please, take time to visit this section and be aware of the true harms of porn as they relate to children and adults alike. Wouldn't you rather be the person who talks to your child about healthy sexuality rather than leaving it up to their friends, television...or worse, the porn industry?

Summer is a tough time to raise money. We need your support now so we can continue to fight the good fight to protect a period of innocence for our children. I am personally asking you to send in a financial donation today. Let's stand together to defend the dignity of children in the digital world. 

President & CEO 
Enough Is Enough®