April 10, 2017

CNN: Cruel attacks on Melania Trump obscure her positive role

Editor’s Note: Donna Rice Hughes is CEO and president of Enough Is Enough® (EIE) and has been a pioneering leader on the front lines to prevent the Internet-enabled exploitation of children and families since 1994. For more information visit www.enough.org and www.internetsafety101.org. Her opinions are her own and do not reflect that of her organization.

Never has there been so much lingering hostility so long after a presidential election.

Much of this hostility has been aimed at the first family, with a particularly cruel emphasis on Melania Trump.

And yet, despite the barrage of insults attacking her, including the New York Times reporter who referred to her as a hooker and the ex-boxer who called her a golddigger, the first lady continues to demonstrate grace, kindness and patience....

We need to check our differences at the door for the sake of the children and our nation, and constructively focus on what unites us.

I encourage Melania to continue to hold her head high and to demonstrate, by word and deed, what it really means to take the high road. The American people are watching, and they need a leading lady.

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