August 2, 2016

MOMZette: Trump Signs Anti-Porn Pledge, Clinton Refuses

The commonsense measure is about protecting America's kids

One presidential candidate has promised to enforce current obscenity laws to stop hard-core pornography videos on the internet from getting in front of our children. The other presidential candidate is unwilling to make the same promise.

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has signed — no questions asked — the Children's Internet Safety Pledge from the internet safety organization Enough Is Enough®, according to a press release from that organization. Clearly he's taken the step with families in mind and has pledged to protect American kids from obscene web content.

    "You have to wonder about the personal morals of someone who has any problem signing this pledge," said one mom.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would not sign the pledge.

"This is not a surprise, but you really have to wonder about the personal morals of someone who has any problem signing this pledge," a Boston-area mother of two told LifeZette. "To leave our children vulnerable to the type of filth, generated for profit, makes me very frightened for her to win the presidency."

Enough is Enough President Donna Rice Hughes said the Clinton campaign cited a policy of not signing pledges. "Clinton agrees with the goals of the pledge. It's a good step," Hughes told The Washington Examiner.

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