April 14, 2016
On Speaking at Set Free Summit
Last week, I had the wonderful honor to speak at the Set Free Summit on "Parenting in a Dirty World." Over 850 Christian leaders from around the world were in attendance to learn more about the scourge of Internet pornography and the role of faith communities to bring about solutions. Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing more insights from the Summit.
My friend and EIE Advisory Board member, Josh McDowell, who led the Set Free Summit, ended the event with "A Call to Arms."
"We need a Wilberforce, a Mother Theresa and a Bonhoeffer in the church today who have the courage to battle the devastation of porn as they did slavery, poverty, and Nazism. May we rise up to be a part of the solution-starting with ourselves, then our families, our churches, our children's schools, our culture."
This is exactly what we have been doing at EIE since our founding in 1992. We launched Project Wilberforce two years ago to end the Internet-enabled sexual exploitation of children and adults and restore a culture of dignity and respect. (read more here)
The Porn Phenomenon: The Impact of Pornography in the Digital Age
New Barna
study released at last week's Set Free Summit
Below are some key findings:
- 1 out of 3 Americans seek out porn at least once a month
- 62% of teens and young adults have "received" a nude image from someone
- 40% of teens and young adults have "sent" a nude image
- Teens and young adults view NOT recycling more immoral than viewing pornography.
Recently, TIME Magazine featured their cover article on the impact that online pornography is having on young men's health.
- Interviews with several young men were featured discussing their experience with Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED).
- A 2014 fMRI study from the Max Planck Institute found that habitual porn use may have an effect on the brain. "The more pornography men consumed, the smaller the brain striatum, the reward center of the brain."
- The rise in the numbers of young men struggling with porn addiction and PIED has led to a rise with support groups, videos, and smartphone apps to bring awareness to the dangers of pornography.
Donna in the News...
Recently, I was interviewed by Mike McManus's publication, Ethics & Religion, to discuss the TIME Magazine article, the Porn Free Wi-Fi effort and the ongoing movement to raise awareness of the destructive impacts of extreme Internet porn. Check out the article
Additionally, my upcoming speaking engagement at WiFiNow 2016 in Tysons Corner, Va. has been highlighted in O'Dwyer's. I will be speaking about how porn free Wi-Fi is possible and profitable in America. You can read more
Pornography's destructive impact on intimacy, relationships and sexual health is finally gaining national media attention as a public health crisis. Will you join the movement by
becoming an Enough Is Enough® change agent to fuel our efforts to make the Internet safer for children and families? Below are two simple ways you can help:
- Follow Enough Is Enough® on Facebook and Twitter to help us continue our over 22-year successful track record!
- Donate now to help us continue the fight to make the Internet safer for families!