June 15, 2023

DonnA's Op-Ed on Surgeon General Social Media is on Fox news

Dear Friend,

Exciting news! My op-ed written in response to the recent Surgeon General advisory noting social media presents a "profound risk of harm to kids" was published by Foxnews.com! Here are just a few excerpts!

Treat Big Tech Like Big Tobacco to Protect our Kids

“Just like Big Tobacco targeted young kids knowing their products were harmful, Big Tech is doing the same thing with another product line. When are we going to wake up?

The time to act is NOW!...

…The extent to which children are trafficked and preyed upon, depicted in sexually abusive ways, and exposed to depravity on these platforms is sickening. Given this deteriorating digital environment, will the surgeon general's warning again usher in momentous change? It’s time to urge Big Tech to fund a national education campaign like Big Tobacco.”

The importance of spotlighting the harms of social media couldn't be more timely. For many around the country, kids are home from school for the summer, and that means more down time and possibly unstructured activities for your kids.

Do you know what your child is doing online? 

Here are a few practical resources you can access right now to help get you on your way to ensuring a safer internet experience for your children and family.

Each year, June marks Internet Safety Month. It's a great reminder to review your child's online behaviors and implement both safety rules and software tools ("Rules 'N Tools®")to keep your child as safe as possible from bad actors or unwanted imagery and online threats. 

EIE has also released a series of Quick Guides for Parents and Educators containing prevention and safety information related to key internet safety topics including:

  • Pornography 101

  • Internet Predators & Sex Traffickers 101

  • Mobile & Wireless 101

  • Cyberbullying 101

  • Online Gaming 101

  • Social Media 101

These topics, along with helpful resources and safety tools can be accessed in full at InternetSafety101.org!

The team at Enough Is Enough® is working hard to advocate for strong policy to prevent the sexual exploitation of children on the internet, educate parents and caregivers on internet safety risks and safety solutions, and encourage Corporate America to do its part to keep children safe in the digital world.

Help us to continue to protect children.

Your gift today can help us to continue to provide valuable resources to parents to protect their children from online threats. Enough Is Enough® depends on the generosity of people like you to make the internet safer for children and families. Your gift will make a difference!

Let's continue to work together to protect our children online!

Donna Rice Hughes
President and CEO
Enough Is Enough®