July 4, 2016

We Ring Out Freedom's call to all our friends at EIE

Dear Friends,
As we celebrate our nation's freedom from tyranny and our independence, let us be thankful for those hard won freedoms and continue to move forward in preserving them for our children.
One of the freedoms, we at EIE have worked for over the last 24 years, is an Internet free from prosecutable pornography and child pornography  which are both readily accessible online to our children and grandchildren.  We have also fought to prevent the sexual exploitation of children by Internet predators through our efforts to get effective laws passed in the 90's and also through our education efforts to empower parents to be their children's first line of defense. 
We have had so many successes in that time and celebrate with joy each of them! This is a war and we continue to fight for your children and families....Together, we continue to make a positive impact to make the Internet safer for everyone.
Over the next several weeks, be on the look out, as we announce further victories in Freedom's Cause of a safe and secure Internet!
Happy Fourth of July from Enough Is Enough®!